May's Plumbing Faucet repair

Faucet Repair & Replacement

If you have a leaking or dripping faucet, you could be facing more than just inconvenience. A faucet problem not only wastes water and money, it could indicate much more serious problems.

You can try to fix your own faucet, of course, but if you don’t have experience you could be in for a very frustrating time. May’s Plumbing have been providing faucet service and replacement in Boston for more than 30 years.

Leave this Job to a Pro

If you catch a faucet problem early enough, you can have it fixed before it leads to more serious – and costly – damage to your home. We can’t stress enough, however, the need to leave this job to the experts with May’s Plumbing. We will make sure your problem is fixed right the first time, and we will eliminate the hassle and frustration typically experienced by DIYers.

Faucet Replacement

If you have problems with your faucet on a consistent basis, then it is probably time for a replacement. Even if you’re a DIYer who knows how to fix a leaky faucet, a complete replacement is another matter entirely. Don’t get in over your head; call May’s Plumbing to make sure the job is done quickly and effectively.

New Faucet Installation 

May’s Plumbing will do more than just install your faucet. We will remove the existing faucet and dispose of it, apply all necessary caulking, replace supply lines, and test your faucet to make sure it is operating properly.